Month December 2021

12 Days Of Holiday Fire Safety – Day 5

For Day 5 of the Holiday Safety, we would like to remind you about the importance of establishing a home fire escape plan. By having a plan in place, it will ensure the safety of you and your family or… Continue Reading →

12 Days Of Holiday Fire Safety – Day 4

For the 4th day of the Holiday Safety, we recommend installing carbon monoxide detectors in all sleeping areas. These alarms alert you to the presence of these deadly gasses and can potentially save your life. As numerous people rely on… Continue Reading →

12 Days of Holiday Fire Safety – Day 3

This is a reminder to have a working smoke alarm on every storey in your home, and outside all sleeping areas! Carbon monoxide is a lethal killer, and having a proper smoke detecting system will help eliminate most fears, and… Continue Reading →

12 Days of Holiday Fire Safety – Day 2

For the second day, we’d like to remind you and your family to check all lights when decorating, and replace any worn or damaged cords or loose bulb connections. Worn or damaged cords can be a fire hazard, and cause… Continue Reading →

Happy Holidays from the Media Team

The Media Team wishes everyone a safe and happy holiday season! We hope everybody has a great time while remaining healthy. We look forward to seeing everyone in the new year.

12 Days of Holiday Fire Safety – Day 1

To kick this initiative off, we’d like to remind you and your family to water your fresh-cut Christmas trees daily! This prevents them from being flammable, since trees need a lot of water, and a dry tree is a flammable… Continue Reading →

Happy Holidays from 8 Globemaster

Happy Holidays everybody! The winter break is a great time to spend with friends and family, and to enjoy what you have. The cadets at 8 Globemaster Squadron wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season.

Cadet Promotion to FSgt – December 2021

CO’s Announcement: Cadet Promotion – FSgt 15 Dec 21 According to CATO 13-02, promotion to the rank of Flight Sergeant (FSgt) must have:  (1) completed at least six months service at the rank of Sgt,  (2) successfully completed the fourth… Continue Reading →

FCpl to Sgt Promotions

CO’s Announcement: Cadet Promotion (FCpl to Sgt) 17 Nov 21  In the Cadet Program, all persons are to follow the Cadet Administrative and Training Order (CATO).  According to CATO 13-02, promotion to the rank of Sergeant (Sgt) must have:  completed… Continue Reading →

Coding Club Recruitment

With technology being more and more important in the new age, coding has become an essential skill that now you can also practice here at 8 Globemaster Squadron. You get to expand and build your knowledge around technology and coding… Continue Reading →

FTU Supply Update

10 Dec 2021 @ 17:40 updateThe FTU distribution to cadets is postponed until further notice by the order of RCSU, due to increase in number of active COVID-19 cases in York Region. All appointments will be kept as they are,… Continue Reading →

Outdoors Club Recruitment

The Outdoors Team teaches about survival skills and consists of fun activities, FTXs, and more. Currently, because of the pandemic, we are very limited when it comes to activities, however, we are still providing memorable experiences to everyone in the… Continue Reading →

Volunteer Opportunity: Hockey Helps the Homeless

The Blue Door shelter is in need of volunteer support for each of their two fundraisers, time spent supporting this event may be attributed to community service hours. Hockey Helps the Homeless is a national campaign that organizes community-based tournaments to… Continue Reading →

Silent Auction Success

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our Donors, SSC team, staff, community members, parents, friends, and families for their support and donations in making this first 8 Globemaster Silent Auction a tremendous success!  This marks a very… Continue Reading →

Anti-Bullying Week Results

From November 15 to November 19, 2021, 8 Globemaster Squadron participated in the discussion on bullying for Anti-Bullying Week. For a week, a daily discussion topic was posted and cadets were encouraged to share their thoughts.  Each Flight was asked to… Continue Reading →

Holiday Cards 2021 – Let’s get creative!

This is an optional, fun activity for all cadets to enjoy. Participating cadets will use their imagination, creativity, and effort to make a card, sending good wishes to another cadet. In return each participating cadet will get a “hand-made Holiday… Continue Reading →

It’s Here! Silent Auction Preview

The SSC invite friends and family to 8 Globemaster’s premiere fundraising event. Please register, there is no obligation to participate after registration! Register now, it’s easy. 1. Go to our Facebook event page, the link is here. 2. Press the… Continue Reading →

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