Month January 2022

Mental Health Workshop: Invite

Join the Health and Wellness team on Saturday, January 29, from 1600-1730 hrs. They will be hosting an online workshop, covering topics such as: Everyday mental health, Mental illness, Coping with mental illness, and Helping others. For further information, contact… Continue Reading →

Cadet Promotions to FCpl – January 2022

CO’s Announcement: Cadet Promotions – FCpl 12 Jan 22. In the Cadet Program, all persons are to follow the Cadet Administrative and Training Order (CATO). Cadets should find and read CATO 13-02 regarding cadet promotions.  Each Cadet promotion is a milestone… Continue Reading →

Winter Break Challenge Day 5

Go sledding with your family and friends! For the last day of our winter challenge, we encourage you to go sledding with your family and friends! Get outside and get some fresh air while racing your family and friends down… Continue Reading →

Winter Challenge Day 4

Build a snowman! For Day 4 of our Winter Challenge, the Media Team challenges you to build a snowman! Get outside and get some fresh air while challenging your family and friends to a traditional winter activity, building a snowman!… Continue Reading →

Winter Challenge Day 3

Watch a winter movie with your family! For Day 3 of our winter challenge, why don’t you to watch a winter movie with your family! Whether it’s watching a classic such as Home Alone, or watching a new winter movie… Continue Reading →

12 Days Of Holiday Fire Safety – Day 12

For the final day of 12 days of holiday safety, we would like to remind you to keep a careful eye out for anyone who is cooking or smoking while under the influence. Doing so during gatherings this holiday season… Continue Reading →

Winter Challenge Day 2

Bake winter cookies! For Day 2 of our Winter Challenge, why don’t you bake winter cookies! This is a fun activity to do with family and friends. There are many great and easy cookie recipes online that you can use…. Continue Reading →

12 Days Of Holiday Fire Safety – Day 11

For day 11 of 12 days of holiday safety, we would like to remind you about the dangers of smoking inside. If you are having a gathering during the holiday season, encourage any smokers to only smoke outside. It is… Continue Reading →

Winter Challenge Day 1

Add winter spirit to your home! For Day 1 of our Winter Break Challenge, the Media Team invites you to decorate your house with winter decorations to get in the holiday spirit! Some ideas include putting up winter lights, setting… Continue Reading →

12 Days Of Holiday Fire Safety – Day 10

For day 10 of 12 days of holiday safety, we would like to remind you about the importance of never leaving your stove unattended. Stepping away from the stove can cause CO poisoning and may ignite a fire. Regardless if… Continue Reading →

CO Reflections

Please read carefully, and beware any of the following: Overconfidence; going too big  Lack of confidence; self-doubt  No clear, positive, specific goals  No good plans at all  Not knowing why (true reasons) you are doing something  Not ready to make… Continue Reading →

Winter Break Challenge – Intro

Coming soon, 8 Globemaster’s media team invites all cadets to participate in daily Winter break challenges! These are all fun activities cadets can do during the winter break with their friends and family. Remember to follow any COVID-19 protocols, and… Continue Reading →

12 Days Of Holiday Fire Safety – Day 9

On the 9 day of Holiday Safety, we would like to remind you about the importance of keeping matches and lighters out of children’s reach. Matches and lighters can be deadly in the hands of children. Keep all fire-starting materials… Continue Reading →

Holiday Trivia

A fun thing to do during your Holiday Break is some trivia. Test your knowledge on multiple topics about Christmas, such as movies, music, decorations and more! Follow the link below to complete the trivia form.

12 Days Of Holiday Fire Safety – Day 8

For day 8 of Holiday Safety, we would like to remind you about the hazards flames can create. Keep open flames away from anything that may be combustible. If you can, use an enclosed candle holder or sturdy, burn-resistant container… Continue Reading →

12 Days Of Holiday Fire Safety – Day 7

On the seventh day of Holiday safety, we would like to remind you about the dangers of portable heaters and other heating sources such as chimney fires. Portable space heaters and other heating sources are sometimes used to keep the… Continue Reading →

12 Days Of Holiday Fire Safety – Day 6

For the 6th day of the 12 days of Holiday Safety, we would like to remind you about the dangers of having “octopus outlets.” In order to avoid possible fires, keep in mind to use extension cords wisely and only… Continue Reading →

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