All cadets are required to provide their COVID-19 vaccination information to the Squadron by completing the Google form attached at this link, NLT 1200 hr  Sunday, 17 April 2022.  Please refer to the Canadian Cadet General Order (CANCDTGEN) 005/22 for information (included below) and at this link.


Canadian Cadet General Order (CANCDTGEN)


A. CDS/DM Directive on DND/CAF Operating and Reconstituting in a Persistent COVID-19 Environment

B. CJCR Directive for Sustained Training Activities in a COVID-19 Environment (2021-2022 Posture), 29 October 2021

C. Vaccines for Children: COVID-19 (link removed for our purposed)

  1. Evidence indicates that the vaccines used in Canada are very effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalization and death from COVID-19. As part of our layered risk mitigation strategy to protect our personnel, all cadets who participate in overnight summer training or ship deployments must be vaccinated against COVID‑19.
  2. Youth in Canada are considered fully vaccinated 14 days after they have received their primary series (two doses) of a Health Canada (HC) approved vaccine.
  3. Cadets will show proof of COVID-19 vaccination at the time of applying for the applicable activity. Corps and squadron staff will record in Fortress that proof has been shown. Cadets must be prepared to show their proof of vaccination when they arrive at the start of the activity.
  4. Cadets attending in-person day-training activities will continue to adhere to local, provincial/territorial, and federal guidelines regarding public health measures including the use of non-medical masks (NMM) as detailed at Ref B. In some circumstances, government-issued proof of vaccination may still be required by certain facilities used to support cadet activities as part of local, provincial/territorial, or federal public health measures (e.g. museums, aerodromes, commercial air or rail travel).