Month April 2022


Countries worldwide are experiencing the effects of COVID-19 and its seemingly endless variants. In order to reduce the spread of Covid, there are vital steps you can take to keep you and the others around you safe. Here we share… Continue Reading →

Ways to Relax and Destress: Day 3

For our third day, we’d like to suggest calling a family member or friend. Catching up with each other, as well as the intimacy of hearing each other’s voices can soothe nerves. Just a simple “How are you?” or a… Continue Reading →

Effective Speaking Competition

This 2021-2022 training year, 8 Globemaster Squadron is extremely proud to have two cadets advance to the Regional Effective Speaking Competition. The Squadron first held their Effective Speaking Competition, featuring cadets Sgt Liu A, FCpl Chau C, and Cdt Bajwa… Continue Reading →

Wellbeing Workshop: May 1, 2022

Have you been feeling stressed or burnt out lately? Want to relax and have some fun? Join the Health and Wellness Team’s Wellbeing workshop on May 1st from 1500 hrs to 1700 hrs, for an afternoon of arts and crafts, health trivia,… Continue Reading →

Range Day (for interested cadets): April 24, 2022

Sign up to attend Range Day on Sunday, April 24, 2022 from 0930 to 1230 hrs. If you are interested in trying out shooting the Daisy 853C Air Rifle, please submit fill out the Google form now! [Update: the form… Continue Reading →

Cadet Promotions: April 2022

CO’s Announcement: the Training Staff have made recommendation for the promotion of the below listed cadets. With much pleasure and according to CATO 13-02, I hereby approve and announce the following promotions: 1) From Sgt to Flight Sergeant (FSgt): FSgt… Continue Reading →

Ways to Relax and Destress: Day 2

For our second day, we’d like to suggest journaling. Getting into journaling doesn’t necessarily mean buying a bunch of new stationery and pretty notebooks, although you can if you want to! Any old notebook, and some pens will suffice. If… Continue Reading →

CO’s Message: 20Apr2022

Good day Cadets,  Spring is here. Summer is arriving soon.  What plans do you have?  May I suggest…  If you want good grades, start reviewing your school work…  If you wish to have a beautiful garden, start the seedlings…  If… Continue Reading →

Ways to Relax and Destress: Day 1

Media Team introduces our latest series, titled “Ways to Relax and Destress,” to help us cope with stress. For our first post, we suggest having a nice hot drink to help calm down and soothe yourself. Chamomile tea and warm… Continue Reading →

Staff: 2022 CTC/CAP Adult Staff Reminder

Reminder to staff: deadline for 2022 CTC/CAP Adult Staff Applications due NLT COB 22April 2022. Please see AdminO for full details.

Notice: COVID-19 Vaccination for Cadets

All cadets are required to provide their COVID-19 vaccination information to the Squadron by completing the Google form attached at this link, NLT 1200 hr  Sunday, 17 April 2022.  Please refer to the Canadian Cadet General Order (CANCDTGEN) 005/22 for information… Continue Reading →

DIY: How to Make Friendship Bracelets

Friendship bracelets are a great way to show your appreciation to friends, family, and peers. Learning how to make them can be a fun experience with friends or a relaxing pastime; either way, you end up with a stylish and… Continue Reading →

Staff: First-Aid CPR/AED

Registration is now being accepted for Staff First-Aid CPR/AED training, please contact Major Yu for details. Saturday, 7 May 20229 am to 3 pm

Volunteer Opportunity: 10,000 Trees

Are you looking for a chance to volunteer? Look no further than this; individuals are encouraged to make a positive impact on their local environment as private citizens (not as a cadet representative). The 10,000 trees event is a York… Continue Reading →

Cadet Promotions to LAC – 9March2022

In the Cadet Program, all persons are to follow the Cadet Administrative and Training Order (CATO), and they should find and read CATO 13-02 regarding cadet promotions. A junior cadet can impress and show good cadet performance by attendance, participation… Continue Reading →

A Look Back: Letter mailed in 1945 finally makes it to soldier’s family

Slow in coming but 76 years later, Sgt. John Gonsalves’ letter addressed to his mother finally arrived for the rest of his family to see. The letter, which he wrote back on December 6, 1945 while stationed in Germany after… Continue Reading →

Marksmanship Competition

On March 27, 2022, select 8 Globemaster Squadron cadets participated in the COA Marksmanship zone-14 Competition. Participating were two teams, comprised of five cadets; with two juniors per team. Due to the pandemic, in-person shooting practices were limited and competition… Continue Reading →

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