This 2021-2022 training year, 8 Globemaster Squadron is extremely proud to have two cadets advance to the Regional Effective Speaking Competition.
The Squadron first held their Effective Speaking Competition, featuring cadets Sgt Liu A, FCpl Chau C, and Cdt Bajwa A on March 13, 2022. All of the cadets performed well, speaking about mental health and social media. They were also able to quickly whip up impromptu speeches, and performed excellently under the pressure of time.
Sgt Liu A and Cdt Bajwa A advanced to the second round at the Regional Effective Speaking Competition, competing against other squadron’s cadets, and submitting speeches on Friday, March 28, 2022. They both performed extremely well, once again thriving in their abilities to make efficient impromptu speeches.
Here are the results from the Regional Competition:
First place: Sgt Liu, A from 8 Globemaster
Second: WO2 Yuen from 351
Third: FCpl Gupta from 351
Congratulations to Sgt Liu A who placed first at the Regional level and will be competing on April 23, 2022 at the Provincial Competition.
If you would like to be one of these cadets in the future and learn to become an effective speaker, check out the Optional Training page on the website, inquire with your Flight Commander, or reach out to WO2 Wang, J or Sgt Liu, A.