This past weekend on Saturday, February 25, cadets from 8 Globemaster Squadron participated in the stage 2 marksmanship competition. Bravo Zulu to all the cadets that participated in the competition! Cdt Tse H, and WO2 Ho A share their experiences:… Continue Reading →
CO’s parade is a monthly event for 8 Globemaster RCACS cadets to show off their uniform, boots, and drill. A few highlights of the parade were the promotions, the music, the awards, and the word of the day. Congratulations are… Continue Reading →
From February 10-12, the Level 1s and 2s at 8 Globemaster enjoyed their first experience on a Field Training Exercise (FTX). The FTX was held at Shadow Lake Centre, and cadets spent the weekend learning about aircrew survival, radio communications,… Continue Reading →
Summer will be here before you know it, meaning summer training is starting soon! Get ready for a wide variety of fun and exciting cadet activities. This year’s summer training may include specialized and unique opportunities. Some of these include… Continue Reading →
Family day is coming up Monday, February 20th. It is an amazing time of family bonding and fun activities. While you might not be able to spend it with your wonderful cadet family, hopefully, you can enjoy this day to… Continue Reading →
CO’s Parade is an event that happens every month to commemorate the commanding officer. As the commanding officer presided, the flights got in order and began the parade. The parade starts with band flight, followed by the rest of the… Continue Reading →
Hey, 8 Globemaster! As exam week is just around the corner for students in grades 9-12, here are some helpful studying tips. Have a Realistic Study Schedule You may have devised an intensive study schedule, however, it’s unrealistic to study… Continue Reading →
Cdt Tran, Maxim The event was very heart-warming. The swearing-in ceremony for the recruit cadets occurred on November 16, 2022. To most, the ceremony was a significant leap in their cadet career and journey. Every recruit felt the honor of… Continue Reading →
Are you interested in learning how to shoot the Daisy 853C Air Rifle? If so, join this year’s marksmanship team! Practices take place on Sundays from 1800-2130 hrs at the legion, starting November 20th. The zone competition is expected to… Continue Reading →
8 Globemaster Squadron’s annual Sports Day made a return this year after two years of virtual training. We interviewed Sgt Romero, the 2IC of the event, and she said, “As 2IC of Sports Day I’ve had a terrific time running… Continue Reading →
During the weekend of Nov 4-6, 2022, our 8 Globemaster cadets went poppying. Now, you may be wondering what poppying is. The Poppy Campaign is an initiative created by the Royal Canadian Legion, with an opportunity for 8 Globemaster RCACS cadets to… Continue Reading →
At the beginning of the training year, 8 Globemaster had our first Optionals Fair since the pandemic. It was hosted by the Health and Wellness Club, in collaboration with Media Team. Fundamentally, the event serves as a place and time… Continue Reading →
On November 6, 2022, cadets from 8 Globemaster Squadron participated in the Remembrance Day Parade. Cadets marched proudly from the Richmond Hill Performing Arts Centre to the Elgin Barrow Arena with exceptional uniforms, as they paid respects to the people… Continue Reading →
As Remembrance Day approaches us, cadets shall wear a poppy on their uniform starting on the last Friday of October, until November 11th. The Poppy is the international symbol of remembrance, and by wearing it, you honor the fallen. Cadets… Continue Reading →
This 2021-2022 training year, 8 Globemaster Squadron is extremely proud to have two cadets advance to the Regional Effective Speaking Competition. The Squadron first held their Effective Speaking Competition, featuring cadets Sgt Liu A, FCpl Chau C, and Cdt Bajwa… Continue Reading →
Friendship bracelets are a great way to show your appreciation to friends, family, and peers. Learning how to make them can be a fun experience with friends or a relaxing pastime; either way, you end up with a stylish and… Continue Reading →
In the Cadet Program, all persons are to follow the Cadet Administrative and Training Order (CATO), and they should find and read CATO 13-02 regarding cadet promotions. A junior cadet can impress and show good cadet performance by attendance, participation… Continue Reading →
CO’s Announcement: Cadet Promotions – FCpl 12 Jan 22. In the Cadet Program, all persons are to follow the Cadet Administrative and Training Order (CATO). Cadets should find and read CATO 13-02 regarding cadet promotions. Each Cadet promotion is a milestone… Continue Reading →
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