A special virtual event for new recruits of 8 Globemaster occurred: they participated in The Swearing-In Ceremony on 9 March 2022. Each year Air Cadet squadrons conduct a Swearing-In ceremony for all of the new recruits once they have met the minimum requirements of becoming a cadet. The recruits that have joined prior to 31 Dec 2021 who completed all of the required training were invited to recite the Oath, and sworn in as official members of the 8 Globemaster Royal Canadian Air Cadet squadron.
Congratulations to the Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 cadets!
- Rct Abdi M.
- Rct Ali E.
- Rct B.
- Rct Chan A.
- Rct Chan A.
- Rct Chan S. N K
- Rct Chan S. Y V
- Rct Cheung J.
- Rct Choy J.
- Rct Dong R.
- Rct Faria A.
- Rct Hosseini A.
- Rct Huang D.
- Rct Huang R.
- Rct Huang X.
- Rct Jin R.
- Rct Ko K.
- Rct Kwan K.
- Rct Lai B.
- Rct Liu E.
- Rct Liu R.
- Rct Lu L.
- Rct Ma K.
- Rct Mazloom-Farzaghy S.
- Rct Myrden Z.
- Rct Park J.
- Rct Pu D.
- Rct Qiu R.
- Rct Ridgway K.
- Rct Shen L.
- Rct Siu T.
- Rct Tong C.
- Rct Trang V.
- Rct Trinh N.
- Rct Wang A.
- Rct Wang A.
- Rct Wu J.
- Rct Wun H.
- Rct Wun W.
- Rct Yong I.
- Rct Yu C.
- Rct Zhang K.
- Rct Zhang M.