What a busy summer it has been… many of our cadets were seen enjoying themselves in the company of fellow cadets throughout the GTA in CAP 1 and CAP 2, participating in a variety of fun-filled activities and lessons. Overnight and gliding activities have concluded, with the successful completion of many courses by our cadets.
Congratulations to our three Power Pilot Training Course cadets who have soared to new heights!
- FSgt Li, J.
- WO2 Li, J C
- WO2 Wang, J.
2022-23 Training Year News
We are happy to announce a return to in-personal training for this 2022-23 Training Year!
Some of our Optional Teams and Clubs may continue to operate on virtual platforms or in a hybrid model, and with excitement we will see the return of Biathlon, Marksmanship, and Sports making their return this year. We look forward to having our cadets back in full force with school permits resuming later this month, and we look forward to welcoming new recruits!
Returning cadets are to check their squadron email for updates, Flight information and lesson times. Any questions or concerns should be addressed via the Chain of Command (CoC).
For those who are interested to join the 8 Globemaster squadron, please keep your eyes on our website(s) and social media accounts where details for a mid-September Recruit Info night is expected to be posted.