Many cadets of 8 Globemaster Squadron have never been in person before, and as we finally go back to our normal in person training schedule, we can definitely say it’s something everybody looks forward to. One cadet shared their experiences with the Media Team about how excited she was to be returning back to in-person training:
“The first day of going back to in-person training provided a very enjoyable and sociable experience. Now that training is in-person, it makes cadets feel more like a community because you can interact with the other cadets and know them better. In addition, you get to physically meet the people who will be growing and learning with you throughout the new training year. The first day of training was somewhat like a reunion as you get to see cadets you met from FTXs and summer training. Moreover, clubs and teams would be more interactive now that training is back in-person. To reiterate, the first day of in-person training was interactive and interesting.”
Cpl Ip V,