The recruiting session on September 14, 2022 was a big success

After two years of COVID-19, we finally held our recruiting session back to in-person. There were over 40 parents and youth who had attended this recruitment session. At the beginning of the session, we had Lt Chung, our Administration officer start the information session with a big welcome for the parents and their children. After that our Deputy Commanding Officer, Captain Li introduced the cadet program to the audience. To let future cadets better understand what we do in the cadet program, Cpl Wun Isaac, WO2 Wang Julian and myself (FSgt Ho Angus), spoke about our weekly activities as cadets. Following next, SSC spoke about parents who can be volunteers too in this program, Major Yu spoke about the benefits of the cadet program, and then back to Lt Chung who finished with how everyone can join this fascinating program. Last but not least, the Q&A session completed the evening. Overall I am glad that things are back on track.
– FSgt Ho Angus