8 Globemaster Squadron offers many different types of opportunities for cadets, but our summer training programs that are run by the Royal Canadian Air Cadets are definitely one of our highlights. The testament below from LAC Liu, Anina, shows what a great experience CAP 1 is for our cadets!
“During the first day of Cap 1, the cadets were introduced to how the program was going to work. The plot was that there was a boy that got into a car crash with his parents, and was raised by cows. Once he grew up, he turned into a pig and swore to avenge his parents, and is now known as Evasive Livestock. The cadet’s role was to stop him. On the second day, there was muscle training, with capture the flag, as well as an obstacle course. On the third day, our theme was to meet the target, in which cadets practiced marksmanship, and the top two marksmanship would shoot five balloons, and whoever used the least pellets would win. On the fourth day, we learnt about leadership, sea cadet ranks, marshalling signs, and what to pack in a basic expedition. On the last day, cadets went Treetop Trekking, and came back to a scavenger hunt.”